Our children are unique and we aspire for them to always be the very best they can be. Our children have fun at nursery, spending their days sharing, talking, singing, being messy, problem solving, having fun, being playful, carefree, challenging themselves, questioning, commenting about their world and their learning. They practise new skills, learn through play, research and adapt their learning. They love to be adventurous and aren’t afraid to challenge themselves because, with us, they develop a strong moral, resilient character which is nurtured by our team of expert practitioners.
Attending nursery provides children a valuable introduction to school, helping them to develop positive attitudes to learning and to mix easily with other children. Steeple Cove Nursery offers a safe, happy and stimulating environment where children can thrive, grow and have fun.
We are pleased to offer funded part and full-time nursery sessions as well as highly competitive paid sessions for children aged 2, 3 and 4 years.
We will be delighted to take you on a tour and give you the opportunity to meet our fabulous nursery team to discuss our provision and how we will support your child to learn and grow.
We offer:
Free Childcare for 2 year olds
Free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds
30 hours free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds
Highly competitive paid sessions
Accept Childcare vouchers and Tax free childcare
Please contact the academy office on 01548 560494 or email thurlestone@lapsw.org to arrange a visit or to request an application pack.
Tapestry in Steeple cove Nursery
Here in Steeple Cove, we use Tapestry as our online learning journals. Tapestry is provided by the Early Years Forum, and allows staff and parents and carers to document each child’s development and learning throughout the year. Tapestry offers parents access to view their child’s learning journal online and add their own comments and observations whenever they like.
What is Tapestry?
Tapestry is a secure online Learning Journal to record photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, to build up a record of your child’s experiences during their time with us. This system allows us to work with our families to share information and record the children’s play and learning in and outside of the classroom.
You can find some top tips for adding your own observations from home on the Tapestry website.
I am 2, I can….
jump, run, make a special friend, tell someone what I want, tell someone how I feel, explore my environment independently, listen and concentrate on things I’m interested in. I can learn new words to expand my vocabulary, follow routines and learn to make the right choice.
I am 3, I can….
share my thoughts and ideas, build up my vocabulary using longer sentences and begin to ask questions to aid my curiosity, I can move confidently and freely. I can begin to to develop my fine motor skills and listen and join in with stories and songs. I can begin to think about how my friends are feeling and share my toys with my friends.
I am 4, I can ...
follow simple directions, concentrate, listen and sit quietly when I need to in my learning. I can use my developing language to explain my ideas and throughout my play. I can use my body to travel, move with skill in different ways and be able to adapt my movements when I need to. I can use my fine motor skills to use tools and writing equipment to develop my control. I can ask for help when I need it, be patient and adapt my behaviour to different things that are happening. I have different friends and talk to them in my play.